Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome to the Zoo!


We made this a few weeks ago, before Christmas, and I forgot to post it!  We made a zoo last year around this time and it went over so well.  The kids had fun playing with it.  So, I thought we would make another one and see how it goes!  I had been saving Kleenex boxes to use for our zoo this time.  I thought they would make excellent cages!  With a hole punch and some pipe cleaners, they turned out pretty good!


We got out the foam stickers and started decorating the “cages”.  We also gave all the animals we have a new home! 


And what is a zoo without an aquarium!  I had found this wooden bowl at Goodwill and figured I would use it sometime.  It made the perfect aquarium!  We added blue puff balls as the water!


We have quite a few animal figurines at our house. These worked out perfect and the kids had a great time playing!  Such a cheap, fun activity to do!  Let’s the kids be creative and use their imagination!



And what is a zoo without visitors!  I had bought a people foam kit at Michael's.  This has come in very handy with many things we have done!  Josie made these fun little people!  Jayden also used a couple as the zoo keepers! 


What a good way to spend a cold winter day!

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